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Ayurveda and Emotional Wellbeing

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Similar to physiological characteristics, an individual’s psychological characteristics are also determined on the basis of the type of inherent predominance of basic principles of three bodily humors. Any distortion in their levels affects our mental health and well-being. Few ayurvedic herbs and remedies called medhya rasayana herbs (nootropic herbs) are being studied scientifically for their inbuilt properties which support cognitive functions such as improving memory and intellect. Let’s look at some of three of the most common mental health issues across the globe.

  • Stress: Stress is the feeling of being overwhelmed or unable to cope with mental and emotional pressure. This feeling is all too familiar to everyone who is coping with the ongoing pandemic. Stress not only affects our coping ability but can also severely affect our body’s immune responses. Vata is the main dosha vitiated by excessive physical stress. Prolonged stress can even lead to psychiatric disorders such as depression, anxiety, immunosuppression and more. According to Ayurveda, the coping capacity of the body can be increased by lifestyle modifications, dietary interventions and/or Ayurvedic remedies and treatments. Rasayana herbs and supplements such as Brahmi (Bacopa monnieri), Ashwagandha, Shatavari, Ghritam, and chyawanprash contribute to the longevity of our mental health keeping our mind strong and protected.

  • Memory: In Ayurveda, Smriti (Memory) is more related to Buddhi (Intellect) and Mana (Mind). In our modern lifestyles, an aggravated state of Vata and Kapha leads to problems such as memory loss. Ayurveda offers safe and effective remedies and treatments for supporting memory and mental performance. Brahmi is an ideal ayurvedic herb that improves brain power, memory, and has a calming effect that can alleviate stress. Kushmand (White Gourd), Vacha, and Shankhpushpi also contribute to improving mental health functions and maintaining memory.

  • Anxiety: Constant exposure to stress can result in Anxiety disorders. Vata-dominant dosha types are most vulnerable to stress disorders, such as anxiety and fear. Anxiety is an expression of excess Vata in the channel of the mind. Similar to stress, Brahmi also acts as a super Ayurvedic ingredient in alleviating Anxiety. According to a study conducted in 1996, it has a calming, anti-stress effect on the central nervous system. Performing head massages or Abhyanga with Ayurvedic oils such as Bhringraj can immensely relax the body and mind. Its oral consumption in the form of herbal teas and powders helps increase oxygen supply to the brain and aids in detoxification as well.

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